by Kajsa Forden | Mar 17, 2017 | From the Author
This article was originally published on

*Spoiler Alert: detailed film analysis below*
Laputa: Castle in the Sky, or 天空の城ラピュタ or Tenkū no Shiro Rapyuta, was Studio Ghibli’s first official film, released in 1986. It is unique because it was distributed under various names, with varied English dubs, and even a secondary score. The film solidified much of what the world would come to expect from Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki.
Castle in the Sky, as the name is often shortened, centers around the legendary floating island called Laputa. When Sheeta, a young girl, falls from an airship and is saved by her mystical amulet, young Pazu discovers her floating toward the main mine of the town where he works. After they meet, a daring and mythical adventure ensues, with dirigible airships, sky pirates and their flaptors, the military led by a greedy egotist, robots, magic elements, and beautiful animated environments…
by Kajsa Forden | Sep 29, 2016 | From the Author
This article was originally published on
Disney has started a trend that most fans find upsetting: the constant announcement and production of ‘live-action’ remakes of classic animated films. Or, as Disney calls them, ‘reimaginings.’
Aside from the incredibly loose use of the term ‘live-action,’ this trend isn’t exactly new. Disney had a smattering of live-action/hybrid remakes in the 1990s: 101 Dalmatians, starring Glenn Close, and The Jungle Book (yes, Disney did it before). What is especially astonishing with the recent trend is both the amount of remakes and the unnecessary frequency of the films. We’re more likely to see remakes in the next few years than original live-action films from the creative giant.
One could argue the trend began in 2010, with Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, but that hardly drew from the original Disney animated adaptation, if at all. Instead, many recognize the start of the ‘live-action’ remake list as Maleficent in 2014. Maleficent was, really, a reimagining of the most epic villain in Disney history – giving her an origin story that both explained her and reduced her bad-a** standing drastically. This was followed by Cinderella, in 2015, which featured a stellar cast and gorgeous costumes, but not much of the animated classic; The Jungle Book, in April this year, which was not live-action (save for Mowgli) but hyper-real CG animation, directed by Jon Favreau; and Pete’s Dragon, which premiered last month, modernizing the live-action/hybrid animation classic. As we pause to catch our breath, here’s a gentle reminder: we’re not even close to done yet…
by Kajsa Forden | Aug 20, 2016 | From the Author
Have you ever met a dragon? Anyone could be a dragon. You could be a dragon. I could be a dragon. Dragons can look just like you or me, should they choose. And, sometimes, you might catch the few signs that your friend is truly a dragon. Their scales do not disappear entirely, as they take on our form, oh no. Instead, their arms, legs, and the sides of their chest retain the color and feeling of their natural hide. Many dragons, therefore, wear long sleeves or gloves, even when the weather is warm. More recently, dragons have used heavy makeup on their arms, similar to that used to cover tattoos. A simple test can confirm your suspicions – do they ever swim? Have you ever seen them in short sleeves? Without a jacket or sweater? No?
Dragons have lived among us for centuries, millennia, and possibly farther back. Yet, their numbers have significantly decreased in the past 500 years – due to human interference. Remaining dragons have gone into hiding, only walking among us for brief visits or to check in on human progress. Those people who bought the house down the street but didn’t really move in or stay very long? Dragons. That person who seemed somewhat lost when you were out with friends? Dragon. In fact, it’s possible one of your substitute teachers was a dragon, and that new kid who didn’t stay more than a year definitely was.
You may wonder why you haven’t noticed such people before, or why they don’t simply fly around – which must be a more efficient way to travel. If you will allow me to answer your question with a question: were you really looking?
As to your second question, dear reader, dragons have long thought it best to remain secret from human thought. Considering how well differences in the human race have been handled, dragons haven’t had much confidence in humanity’s ability to accept another intelligent species. In all honesty, the mermaids and unicorns were the first to come to this decision, which is why all of these beings are now considered mythological, but more on that later.
Other than the casually visiting dragons, most dragons can be found far, far north. Their community is well-hidden but the council has decided it is high time their story is told. This decision does not come from faith in the human race, or misguided optimism; dragons have been discovered by a human and, rather than place their faith in his secrecy, the council prefers to put out their own version of dragonian history.
Thank you for reading!
by Kajsa Forden | Aug 18, 2016 | From the Author
Find the Hidden Wings storyboard on Pinterest
The sky was still, a solid gray canvas that leant itself well to the dismal castle atmosphere. Her eyes searched eagerly above for movement, some sign of change, and today she would not be disappointed. There, in the distance, was the all too recognizable movement of wings. Before she knew it and before her guard had realized it, she was running down the dirt roads, skirts in hand, following the only bird she had seen in months. And she wouldn’t stop for anyone, not even the trees of Umbragh, as she dove headlong into their dark shadows.
What a bird! So small and fragile, and yet it had come so very far. It hopped about her palm, finally settling on clutching to her fingers. It sang a short melody, making her smile, but then the melody was answered by another and another. Birds singing so close she hardly argued with her curiosity; she followed the song. Ducking under a low-lying branch, she was greeted by an enormous flurry of wings. Dozens upon dozens of birds fluttered about, but they all seemed focused on the center of the clearing. There stood a young woman with flaming red hair and dark clothes; she turned to look at her. “Welcome to our haven.” The woman curtsied, but only slightly.
“The birds,” the princess replied. “It’s impossible.”
She sat on the edge of the torn tower, watching as the golden bird, a present from her new friends, flitted back and forth between her and the open air. A shot rang out, striking the outer wall. The bird ducked back into the princess’s hand and she made sure to slip down the stairs without being seen.
The hummingbird whizzed around the room, evading several large hats and wigs, making its way up the stairs to the second floor. It made instant conversation, some of which she understood and most she didn’t. The door swung open and the bird nestled into her hair.
“What a lovely little bird, darling,” her stepmother exclaimed, adjusting it slightly in her hair.
by Kajsa Forden | Jul 18, 2016 | From the Author
She was left as a warning. The bridge was not to be crossed again. She lay at the center of the long cracked stone, a still-lit lantern flickering beside her, her white dress as pristine as it was when she left home the day before. If anyone else had passed her, they might have thought her asleep, the pale pink glow of life still hung about her cheeks. If anyone else had passed… But they didn’t. Another three days passed before she was discovered, lantern still fiercely burning. Another three days before the bridge was even approached closely enough for her angelic form to be noticed. The traders, carrying furs and fabrics, raised the alarm.
Her death, the daughter of the mayor, was a striking blow to the community. She was brought home on top of the furs and fabrics in the traders’ cart, lantern left behind. The trees across the bridge shook with the sudden force of wind and the traders looked back, convinced someone was watching. They left the scene quickly, cart clattering over the dirt road back toward the village. The gate was opened once again for them, and they were greeted with grief and alarm as they reached the steps of the city’s community hall. She was carried up the steps on a blanket of grey rabbit fur and laid down at the mayor’s feet. The crowd that had gathered upon the spreading of such news watched in quiet and expectant shock.
The mayor demanded an explanation, frozen on the spot as he stared down at his lost daughter. The traders glanced at one another, each waiting for the other to speak. The younger, a soul of merely twenty-four years, stepped forward.
“We found her on the bridge,” the trader said and gestured back down the dirt path from which they came. A woman, with the harshness of the world and the love of a full life etched on her face, pushed her way through the whispering crowd, but stopped when she reached the steps. Her hands covered her first sob as she fell to her knees, shaking her head and practically collapsing onto the steps before her. This sudden outpouring of grief from the mayor’s wife, a woman known for her strength and composure, woke the hitherto quieted emotions of the crowd surrounding her. Their anger, confusion, grief, and fear pressed forward onto the traders, the shoulders of the sobbing mother, and the mayor, consumed by disbelief.
by Kajsa Forden | Apr 21, 2016 | From the Author, Get Motivated
There are many, many, many, notebooks I would love to buy in one massive splurge; I get emails from Knock Knock, Paper Source, Barnes & Noble, all of which show off such pretty and inspirational notebooks. Doomed to never-ending lists of beautiful notebooks, I’ve given in and started online window shopping. Here are my top notebooks suppliers:
Knock Knock is sarcasm and inner frustrations printed prominently on notebooks, notepads, and other helpful office supplies. In addition to relatable notepads like My Portable Pessimist or Paper Tantrum, there are notebooks featuring fun designs and even notebooks to achieve inner peace, like I’m So Freaking Freaked Out or I’m Kind of Awesome or The F*ck It List.
Paper Source is all about the aesthetics. Even offering customizable options, Paper Source has a lot of well-designed, high-quality choices. Spanning nearly every aesthetic, even visiting the site makes me wish I had a whole separate budget just for stationery stores. Watercolor Notes, Cavallini Vintage Clocks, and the Gold Star Journal are only the beginning of a great varied collection.
Anne Taintor might not have notebooks, but there are notepads. And they make my day at least ten times better with their clever, bitter, sarcastic humor. We Go Together Like Drunk and Disorderly is a personal favorite, along with Success is 1% Inspiration 99% Caffeine. The entire brand crushes expectations of pretty 1940s/1950s housewife images, and it all started with phrases like “Born to Be Wild,” and “Intellectuals Gone Bad.”
Notebooks make up a large part of a writer’s expenses, and understandably so; they are creative and inspirational. When in doubt, buy a notebook. Or, use one of the many you probably already have.
by Kajsa Forden | Apr 21, 2016 | Reader, Recently Read
With our minds more focused on brief social media posts and reading articles online, reading a full-length novel, or even a series, can be difficult. We are stimulated in such different ways from even ten or fifteen years ago. Growing up, reading was simpler and satisfying. Now that Im more digitally dependent, I have to reprogram my brain for books.

Reading Girl, A.C.W. Duncan
Although I’ve started multiple books in the past couple years and worked through required reading for university, I haven’t read through a full book in quite a while. For a soft transition, the first Reading Challenge is Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a book I have read many times before and is a fun read, especially when compared to more dense stories like anything by Dickens. Rereading a book will utilize the muscle memory of my mind, stretching it and preparing it for more books and heavier reading.

The Challenge: Read at least 100 pages of this sci-fi classic by the end of the day.
I’m fairly certain I can exceed the goal, as a speed-reader, but this is just as much a test of my focus abilities.
“Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun …”
by Kajsa Forden | Apr 21, 2016 | From the Author
Procrastination plagues even the best of us. Sometimes everything that needs to be done in a day looks overwhelming and the urge to just not can win the day instead. But, hark! There is a solution: lists.
Aside from obvious reasons for owning notebooks as a writer, one of the main reasons I own so many notepads is to make lists, breaking down Mount Overwhelming into tiny rocks of I-Can-Do-That ore.
For example – Today:
- Feed self
- Clean room
- Reading Challenge
- Schoolwork
- Upcoming blog posts
- Daily writing stretch
- Early to bed
That’s a basic example, but it reduces the pressure of a busy day, especially when you also have writing bouncing around the back of your mind as well. The process works just as well for any writing project, from an overall outline kind of list to a list of character likes and dislikes.
Still a university student, I usually don’t have classes on Fridays, making them available for household tasks and for creative influx. Keeping all my tasks listed out means less time being stressed and more time being creative.
Whether you make your lists on notepaper, sticky notes, an app, or Excel spreadsheets, lists are a highly recommended part of organizing writing, work, and a busy mind.
by Kajsa Forden | Apr 20, 2016 | From the Author, Get Motivated, Try Something New
Many writers feel that sense of shyness around their writing, hesitant to share their work with the outside world. Pinterest forced my words into the open and helped to establish a disconnect; my writing isn’t my baby to shield from the world, it’s a form of art that should be shared. Whether or not my writing is high or low art is a subject for debate, but letting it be free turned out to be much more satisfying than I expected.
I started posting blurbs and prompts on Pinterest over a year ago, and the collection has grown consistently. The prompts will double-post on here; the site will start at #1, while the Pinterest continues from the most recent number. When a blurb or prompt grows into a story idea, likely to keep developing, the idea gets its own storyboard. These storyboards do not encompass all my work, but are a visual addendum.
Daily Writing Blurb: Prompt #1
Linked above is the very first prompt written and featured on my Pinterest, inspired by the photograph used. Most of the prompts written are inspired by or based on images that I did not create myself. Instead, I start from that visual inspiration and develop it into a written blurb, something anyone can use to further create their own story. Like a virtual plot bunny jar, you can pick a random number between #1 and the most recent number (currently #658) to find a workable prompt, for nearly any possible genre.
Check out Bits & Baubles; Bits & Baubles, Part 2; and Writer, for writing tips and motivation!
by Kajsa Forden | Apr 18, 2015 | Prompts